Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 3rd 2024


The Riverton Parade is the evening of July 3rd, and in our humble opinion, it is NOT to be missed!

July 3rd is the summer equivalent of Christmas Eve.  You know the next day is the big event, but the excitement,  anticipation, and lead-up activities of Christmas Eve are almost more fun than the actual day of Christmas itself.  There is special music that you only listen to leading up to the Fourth of July.  Certain clothing that is only for this summer holiday.  

Greta's 2024 patriotic fashion choice!
Taylor, Dallas, Ryder and George

Aliyah, Dylan, and Faith

My favorite moment of the parade is when Justin goes by with the marching band and our whole gang goes absolutely berserk cheering for him and screaming his name.  We've done this for three years now and it is more fun each time!  He has now left for the MTC and we will miss him next year. 

Abe's sister Marjorie and her family joined us and ended up twinning with Greta
We didn't have the whole Schramm Fam this year, but we'll take however many of them we can get! 
Abe is so good as to reserve us a good spot, set up tents and chairs for our comfort, and bring coolers of cold water and popsicles.
If you want to go to a parade in comfort and style, take Abe along.
If you wish to be thoroughly entertained during a parade, take Cannon along.  His running commentary and kindly heckling of those parading by was hysterical  It was like having my own personal comedian sitting right by me.
And then the post-parade pot-luck after parade in the backyard.  A summer evening with perfect temperatures, in the backyard with friends and family we love, celebrating our city and country-- that's about as good as it gets.
Aly and Gret
It's always a treat when Clark and Brianna join us.
My sister-in-law Laura
Marjorie and Chris, JJ and Chris' mom
I know it's not the safest thing... but they were sure enjoying themselves
We make a pretty good team.
We played until it got dark and neighbors started setting off a few little fireworks. As we were cleaning up, Faith said, "This is my absolute favorite night of the year-- it's like I'm living in The Sandlot."  

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