Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Force for Good

Bethany had some exciting events last week.  Her platform, or what is now called her "Social Impact Initiative is "Protecting children from pornography through community and family standards."
It's explained fairly well in this recent South Valley Journal article that was published a couple weeks ago.
Click here to read the article.  So that was pretty exciting for her. On June 4th she and her first attendant went to the City Council meeting to give the invocation and lead the Pledge of Allegiance and to introduce themselves and their impact initiatives to the city government.  At that time, Bethany gave them all copies of a Sandy City resolution passed in 2015 and she proposed  Riverton city adopt a similar resolution. The mayor and council reacted very positively and that was that.  We thought maybe she would follow up with it in a couple of months. 
A couple of weeks later she was thrilled to hear from the mayor that the resolution was on the agenda for the council meeting on June 18th  and would likely pass.
Abe, Bethany, and I went to said council meeting and they asked Bethany to speak again and reintroduce the resolution and then they unanimously voted in favor of it!  Happy day for Bethany!
The next day she was contacted by The Salt Lake Tribune who were writing an article to be published the next day.  She did a phone interview Wednesday night and then this came out Thursday morning. 
Here's a picture of the actual paper article.
In other worthy accomplishments, Cannon completed his first three week ballet workshop of the summer. 9 am-2 pm Monday thru Thursday.  Here is is with his fellow classmate and carpool friends.  He'll enjoy a couple of weeks off before he picks back up after the first week of July. 
And George completed his first workshop! He went from 2:30- 5:00 each day.  He loved it and will likely start at Ballet West Academy this fall. 
Look who is home from camp!!!!!! Hooray!  She had  really great time, made a ton of friends, wasn't even a titch homesick. 
As per tradition, the bishop...
... and his wife up to Oakcrest to visit her on the last night.  I thought it was especially sweet since Faith was the only girl from our ward at camp this year. 
She loved it all!
And then she was overjoyed to be reunited with her Old Chum Friday evening.  They called this their "Chum Look" and they went out to lay on the trampoline on an uncharacteristically cool summer evening.

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