Friday, June 7, 2019

Trek Prep

Last weekend Abe went up to the Martin's Cove area in Wyoming with the Stake Young Men's Presidency (pictured here), the Stake Presidency, and the bishops of the stake for final preparation and training for the Stake Youth Trek later this summer.  The presidency has been in place for a little over a year and he has really enjoyed the calling and getting to know these great men.
We have a smaller print of this painting of Joseph Angell Young, "The Blue Angell" in our house.  Abe is one of his descendants and he makes sure all the kids know the story of his coming to the rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies who were stranded on the plains of Wyoming.  I appreciate that Abe knows and appreciates his (and my) family history).
In a very adventurous moment, Abe caught this little beauty with his bare hands.  There was some concern among some of the bishops that this snake might be venomous.  Abe assured them it was just a giant gopher snake.  
Abe was quite proud of himself and as soon as he got home, he was excited to send these pictures of the him and the snake (a Western Gopher Snake) off to Clark.  Knowing that no one would appreciate his accomplishment more than Clark.  
You can imagine our delight when Clark shortly thereafter replied to the email with his missionary "find" of the week (a Texas Rat Snake).  
 Seriously, LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON!  They even took the same pictures in the same poses.  You'd think that this would disturb me, but I confess, I was ridiculously proud of both of them-- knowing how much they were celebrating each other's victories was delightful.
A tasty treat on the way home.  

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