Saturday, June 1, 2019

Summer Begins

Faith is sort of my most pleasant and constant companion these days.  She isn't super busy and gone all the time like the older sisters.  She isn't off playing in her own world like the younger brothers.  She likes to hang around me and I enjoy her company immensely-- for lots of reasons, but probably mostly because she is hysterically funny.  Oh, and she is very low drama-- unlike aforementioned older sisters:)
In this picture we had taken the little kids to a park to play for a bit and we were chilling on the bench talking about her unusual musical tastes.  Her current favorite tunes that she plays on repeat are "Memories" for Cats and "Hello" by Lionel Richie.  It's like she is an super awesome old grandma trapped in a power-packed teenage body.  Sort of wicked funny and a little frightening at the same time.  If you've ever read A Long Way From Chicago, Faith can best described as Grandma Dowdel in training.
And she styled my hair recently...
... And she made me fabulous.
Was the opening of the new Star Wars land at Disney part of her inspiration?
Cannon enjoyed the company of one of the kitties during his math time.  It may be summer, but the joy of math lasts all year long.
Awww... how adorable.  Starting to nap at random times during the day?  Looks like someone is growing up
One of the perks of being a two year-old and the doted-on youngest child in a large family with a mom who is no longer capable interested in fighting unnecessary battles....if you want to wear your swimsuit over your clothes to go play at the park, then you get to wear your swim suit over your clothes. 
Work it, girl!
And I suppose one of the perks of working out in the pool and in weights class for hours every day is that you get to have your way with a box of fruit loops with no ill consequences.  This is how I found her down in the basement this afternoon.  She was in good spirits-- just relishing laying down and holding still and being alone.  Introverts are fascinating people.
Bethany had her first parade of the season this morning-- the South Jordan Summerfest  parade.  The girls' dresses arrived yesterday-- just in the nick of time:)
The other attendant (who wasn't there today) will be wearing white-- how patriotic of them!
The girls looked gorgeous.  I love parades anyway, but to get to look forward to seeing our float with Bethany and the others gals was pretty great.
We will probably be sick and tired of parades by the end of the summer, but Bethany is in a lot of them and we plan to go to as many of them as we can.
Greta just sat in her stroller while her siblings collected a bunch of swag for her.  Loads of saltwater taffy is one thing, but Greta scored a book, a toy fish, a beach ball and a beaded necklace-- plus lots of candy.  Yeah, I think they'll all be happy and willing to be toted along to the parades.
Here are some of the Riverton, Bluffdale and Herriman royalty.  It's interesting because Bethany works with Miss Herriman and was childhood friends with Miss Bluffdale and has done plays for years with Bluffdale's 2nd Attendant.  Tonight most of them are going down together to the Miss Provo Competition.  For all the assumptions and stereotypes that these girls aren't that nice, Bethany is finding just the opposite to be true.  They are fun and confident and friendly and talented and she is really enjoying getting to know them better.

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