Friday, August 23, 2019

Chicken Soft Tacos

You want to know what I love?  My family?  The gospel of Jesus Christ?  Yes those are most definitely at the top of the list.  Good books?  Jane Austen?  Music?  The theater?  Morning Walking?  Gel nails? Yes, I love all those things.  But did you know that I also love chicken soft tacos from Del Taco ?  It's true.  I love them more than makes any rational sense.  They make me very happy.  Now, are they really that good?  I suppose some might not agree with me, but I say yes!  Faith is my only child who indulges in this happy little pleasure with me.  We talk about chicken soft tacos.  We chant about them. We sing about them.  We celebrate them.  And just in case you need to know, Thursday night is Chicken Taco Night at Del Taco.
It's not just me (and Faith)--Abe appreciates the chicken soft tacos as well.  Now granted, neither of us have ever been considered "foodies".  We enjoy the simple pleasures and are rather easily impressed.    Confession:  Our dates often include a trip to Del Taco where all our taco dreams can come true for less than ten dollars-- including a Diet Coke to share and our own orders of cinnamon sugar doughnut bites.  So yeah, I think we're doing JUST FINE!  
Last weekend we went on a fun outing (although it did not include chicken soft tacos).  Abe and I and Bethany and Elinor (and their dates) and Corrine (pretty much another daughter to me) and her date-- we all piled into the mega-van and headed downtown to Andrea's place for a little dinner and vintage dancing.  It had been several years since we'd vintage danced and we were pretty excited. Excited for the dancing, but especially excited to get to go on a quadruple date with my favorite people.
I was impressed with all the girls' dates-- they were great dancers and were all in!  This activity is so much fun, but rather out of the ordinary.  I loved that everyone who came was totally willing to go for it.  
Speaking of out of the ordinary activities-- our local "Love Doctors"-- Faith and her Old Chum, Tristin-- put on a lovely "Patient Appreciation Luncheon".  This was the same day at the vintage dancing.  They made invitations and invited a few of their favorite clients.  By way of reminder, "The Love Doctors" regularly counsel with the teenagers (mainly friends of older siblings) on matters of the heart.  They have surprising longevity and, even more surprisingly, they give good advice!  They are ADORABLE and I love them.
The other kids in our family have had some really close, good friends.  But I don't know if anyone has approached the level of BFF devotion of these two.
Waltzing to Pacabel's Canon in D.
The afternoon ended in a lot of giggling and a "cuddle puddle" down in Elinor's room.  
Because guess what was in Elinor's room...?
... Oh heaven help us!  We are the worst people on the planet!  MORE KITTENS!!! There are freaking seven kittens!  There were eight, but one died.  So the thing is, before our cat only had three kittens at a time.  And, I confess that I thought cats could only have kittens once a year.  I could deal with three kittens a year.  Now, I am rather embarrassed.  Yes, I do know how babies are made.  So anyway, in a couple months we will be giving away seven kitties.  *sigh
Greta and her gal pal hanging out at a end of summer party.   They are the cutest thing when they see each other and run together and hug.  
Peter and Adam were being unicorns with their cotton candy paper cones.  Peter has at times, in his... uh... sense of humor... called Adam his "Arch Nemesis".  But I ask you, can you really feel that someone is your arch nemesis and then make unicorn horns with him?  And for the record, at one time or another, I think Peter has referred to every kid in his Primary class as his arch nemesis.  Perhaps he sees it as a term of endearment.
Gratitude for living in the little corner of the world that we do with people we love.  It doesn't get much better than this.
Remember that $20.00 pool I ordered at the beginning of the summer?  That proved to be a very good purchase.  We've gotten a lot of mileage from that pool.  
Children are so awesome.  I do believe the simple joys of a wading pool in a backyard in the summer are at least equal to that of chicken soft tacos with the love of your life.  

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