Friday, August 30, 2019

Disappointed at the Fair

We saw the the Renaissance Fair was happening at Thanksgiving Point last weekend.  We didn't have much happening and George had dance in the afternoon down there anyway.  So we saw in the newspaper (yes, we still get and read the newspaper), there was a very reasonable family ticket price, so we decided to go for it.  Sometimes  Besides church, we don't make public appearances all together very often.  I feel like we often cause a scene.  But frankly, at the Renaissance Fair, enough people flying their flags high, that we would standout as being too "normal".  Anyway, the advertised price was a "misprint" or bait and switch or whatever.  They said it wasn't available.  I thought the Renaissance Fair might be a fun, cultural experience, but we definitely were not willing to pay full price for our whole family to have it.  So we left.  Unhappily, with me threatening to write letters and make a scene.  Neither of which I did or now intend to do.
We had  planned to spend some money, so we went out to lunch at J.CW.'s instead.  Everyone was pretty happy with how it all worked out.
I would love to say this was one of my young children presenting an offering of love.  It might have been an offering of love, but mostly it was a  joke-- a note passed to me from FAITH (the 13 year old) during family scripture study.  We had a good chuckle.
 Then we really got a good laugh when she created this note for Elinor.
That Faith is a funny girl.
Greta wore this outfit several days last week.  The swim suit...
... the Bat Girl cape.  As Elinor said, "Not everyone can pull of this look, but Greta really works it."
Bethany was cleaning out her room and going through her clothes in preparation for leaving for college.  Faith waited outside her room for the offerings she could claim as her own.  She said he has been waiting for this day for a long time.
Elinor and Faith at the recent Stake Standards Night/ Trek Slide Show.
 This week my roommate from my freshman and sophomore years at BYU was out here in Utah, dropping her oldest son off at BYU.  Talk about full circle!  24 years ago we were randomly assigned together and she was THE BEST!  We had to much fun way back then and too much fun at lunch together!  We visited for FOUR hours.  We laughed until we cried and we cried about the good and bad we've seen since those days.  She lives outside of Chicago, so we haven't been together much in the years since college, but it was good to be reminded I have such a friend in the world.

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