Saturday, August 3, 2019

Riverton South Stake Trek 2019

Abe, Elinor, and Faith went on "Trek" with our stake at the end of July.  Over four days they walked the trails of those pioneers and ancestors that came before and sacrificed so much to come to the Salt Lake Valley.  Abe was part of the Stake Young Men's Presidency.  Elinor was a "Ma"-- a leader of one of the families of youth.  Faith wasn't technically old enough to go (you needed to be 14 by the end of the year and she turns in March), but since she is the only young woman her age in our ward, she got the the okay.  They left at 4:30 am on Tuesday morning-- fresh, clean and excited.
Here they are when they returned Friday evening-- dirty, stinky, and happier than I've ever seen them.
I wasn't there, so I can't give very good commentary on the week's events.  Also, if you know Abe, you know he took A LOT of pictures.  I want to share a lot of them, but if I comment on all of them, this will take me a very long time.  So I may just share pics and maybe Abe will go back later and write commentary.  
Here are the three of them by the painting of Abe's ancestor, Joseph Angell Young, that hangs in the visitor's center at Martin's Cove Wyoming, enailed "The Blue Angel".  He was one of the lead rescuers that came to the aid of the stranded handcart pioneers. 
The joy on Elinor's face:)  Each of the "families" had a baby doll to take care of over the trek.  Elinor's family named their baby Joy Bertha Helgarth.  
Elinor doing her teaching moment-- the youth were assigned a pioneer and then at different times throughout the week they were asked to teach the ward group.  
ABE HERE:  Crossing the Sweetwater River. Young Men volunteered to act as "Valley Boys" and carried many of the Young Women to the other side.

ABE HERE:  Our ward family with Martin's Cove behind us.  It is Sacred & Hallowed Ground.
Three friends with the three babies from the three families.

Sitting around camp.
Faith loved, loved, loved the physical exertion of pulling the handcart.  The only parts she didn't love of Trek were the parts when she wasn't pulling.  I understand her Trek nickname was "Muscles".  
Our youth charging down the hill to help in a touching re-enactment teaching moment.
 ABE HERE:  And to quote the youth, when they all came running to the rescue they looked like a "herd of cows"......had to be there Trek joke.

Elinor did miss her swim workouts-- so she did a little breast stroke across the Sweet Water River.
This is one of my favorite pictures from Trek.
This is my favorite one-- the Women's Pull of Rocky Ridge. Elinor is the gal on the left.
 Nice guns, Els!
Not to be outdone, Faith came trucking up behind Elinor with her family's handcart. (Faith is on the right)
ABE HERE:  Faith was the youngest out of all the youth.....but she truly was one of THE Strongest pullers on Trek....Muscles indeed! 

The girls after the women's pull.
Our youth at the top of Rocky Ridge.
Faith and Tristin.

ABE HERE:  We will always REMEMBER what these great pioneers sacrificed.  
*Monument at Rock Creek Hollow
      "Those that have gone before
         Are with you now"
This statement of truth was shared with me in a very special way the night before our final, longest & hardest day of trails, which included Rocky Ridge. I'll write about this experience separately.
Faith enjoyed creating funky hairstyles.
The stake leaders
So much planning and preparation goes into a massive activity like Trek.  The logistics are a nightmare!  This Stake Young Men's Presidency slayed it!!!  They are the nicest and best group of men and it has been a privilege and joy for Abe to work with them.
ABE HERE:  AMEN to that!!!
Here are a few more pictures Abe took with a disposable camera so the resolution isn't quite so good, but they are fun anyway.  I adore this of Els and Faith.  
I love that they are doing the same trek Bethany and Clark got to do together.  How wonderful!
Elinor and Faith again.

Elinor and Josh's (on the far right) family.

Faith and Enoch pulling.
The Riverton 18th Ward.  Talk about some really fantastic kids and dedicated youth leaders.  We are eternally grateful to live where we do among so many great ones.

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