Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Peter's 5th Birthday

Peter recently turned 5.  This powerful, passionate, brilliant little person with a giant spirit is growing up and we are enjoying him more and more every day.  His primary teacher (and dear friend of mine) came by to bring him a birthday treat.  He loves her and just calls her "Teacher".
This is a funny picture--- it was a Sunday afternoon and we were about to give Peter his birthday present.  That's why he's blindfolded.  Elinor is laying on the ground because she is a teenager who swims night and day and she was exhausted.  We pulled her away from the inside couch and so she just collapsed onto the grass.  Bethany is highly emotional as she contemplates and prepares for her imminent move away from home to college.  She hugs me a lot these days. 
He got his first big-boy bike! 
A little boy on his first bike is an adorable thing:)
In keeping with the family tradition of hideous birthday cakes, Elinor created this little beauty.  Now, I will say that she made it from scratch-- so that's something.  The frosted had a nice crunch and the cake had a very dense muffin-like consistency.  Even so, it it was tasty and we all had a good chuckle.  
Peter had a pretty great birthday party-- coming up in the next post.

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