Sunday, November 1, 2020

The City Halloween Bash 2020


Last Monday evening Bethany, Elinor, and Faith were all involved with the city's Halloween bash at the City Park.  Elinor and Faith both volunteer on the youth council-- Elinor is the city's youth mayor-- and Bethany is still Miss Riverton.  Here is Elinor dressed as Anna from Frozen along with Olaf.  The city has a collection of costumes they had the volunteers wear.  The funny thing is Elinor's hair was much lighter when it was decided she would be Anna.  Between that decision and the actual event, Elinor dyed her a much darker color-- which looks amazing!!  She just told people Anna was going through a stage:)  Elinor made a darling Anna.
We missed Cannon-- he was at dance class.  It was pretty fun walking  all over and getting to see the girls.
Bethany loved being "Belle" for the night.  And seriously-- who wouldn't love getting to wear this dress!!  This dress has also been worn for several Beauty and the Beast play productions.  

And never to be outdone by her two older sisters, Faith was Wonder Woman!!  I mean, of course she was Wonder Woman!  Faith was born to be Wonder Woman.  
She had on a nude colored leotard and tights, but it was really cold and she froze her tushy off! 
She was part of the popular super hero photo-op along with an actual policeman and police vehicle.

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