Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Lot About Pete


Peter finished his orange books in piano.  He is quite an enjoyable student to work with-- he is enthusiastic and highly focused.  I guess it's not surprising, considering it's Peter we're talking about it.  That describes him in a lot of ways.  We're all getting ready for our upcoming Christmas recital-- listening to children practice Christmas music is one of my favorite things.

Greta is not a fan of going to bed.  And why would she be?  She is the youngest and generally the first one to be put to bed.  She knows there are still lots of big people awake and she doesn't like to be left out of the fun.  Fortunately, it usually only takes a couple of Primary songs for her to be out like a light.
The entire month of October is fun for dressing up:) 
I hate all the slinkys in the whole world!  
Even though I do have mad slinky untangling skills!  
Ah, yes.  Be jealous of my three hours of dental work I had done a couple weeks ago.  It was not pleasant, but it needed to be done and it had been avoided for far too long.  So I was brave and now it's done:)
You know who else was really brave last week?  
I know it's hard to tell with the masks on:)  Peter had to go get several cavities filled.  Darn it!  I can't complain, because I know the genetics have worked in our favor with most of our children for far longer than we deserved.  Unfortunately, luck in the dental gene pool seems to have run out with our Peter.  In the end, Peter needed to have oral sedation to get the work done because it was hard for him to relax, stop talking, and hold still otherwise. 
We were warned that the sedation doesn't always work with all kids.  He never did go completely unconscious and he could still respond to the dentist throughout the procedure.  But thankfully it worked enough!  Am I surprised that Peter could resist sedation?  Not so much.
The whole process of getting this dental work has been more involved and complicated than I would have liked.  That being said, it was was relief for me and Peter to have it done.  And now, we get to go back in a couple weeks to do the whole thing again to the other side-- BLAH!  But so glad for modern medicine!
Lunch time at the Fox house last week was all about RAP BATTLES--- ha ha ha!  They are so funny!  The kids put on some sort of rap track and then they battle each other by making up raps on the spot.  
My favorite from last week was Peter speaking on the beat-- "You--are--a worm....... And--I--am---the bird--- that eats--the---worm.  
I'm totally counting this as a poetry unit in our language arts studies.
One of my dear friends brought me this clock a few weeks back.  I know I'm not the only one to feel that 2020 has been a rough year.  Seriously.  Our family has faced some challenges and we're learning and growing.  And it's been painful and we've felt a little fragile.  This friend knows how I've been doing and she saw this and thought of me.  And now this sits on my window sill by my kitchen sink.  And I look at it as I do dishes and think how true it is.  "Life is a balance between holding on and letting go".  Just the message for a mom of young adults and preschoolers!  And I think of how grateful I am for friends who love and listen.


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