Sunday, September 26, 2021

BYU Football Game Live and In Person


A few weeks back Faith asked Abe if they could go to a football game.  Even without the picture, I probably wouldn't need to tell you that meant we were going to a football game:)  Abe got us tickets to the BYU versus University of South Florida game last night.  We don't really care about South Florida, except for the fact that I guess not that many other people around here care that much about them either--- causing lower-priced tickets than other games with more in-demand teams.  So we got four cheap tickets in the nose-bleed section and one more seat from the Snow family for George to sit with them in the markedly less nose-bleed section.

George was unimpressed with Faith's Etch-a-Sketch rendition of him created on the ride down to Provo.  But I must say, I am actually quite impressed.  I especially like the detail on the ear on the left side and the full lips:)
We ran into one of Cannon's dance friends, Hazel, and her family at the Chick-fil-a in Provo.  They were headed to the BYU game as well.  It's not every day you see Clara and the Nutcracker Prince at Chick-fil-a!  Hazel is amazing and her family is so nice.  They've been dancing together for about five years.  And they are, in fact, Clara and the Nutcracker Prince in their upcoming production.
We were supposed to wear navy blue to the game.  I think it looks awesome and is super fun to have the crowd coordinated.  It's great for team spirit and feeling unified.  Sometimes word goes out that everyone should wear white, or everyone wear black, or everyone wear royal blue.  All great fun that I will happily support and go along with.  Afterall, I am a big fan of matching family pajamas and Halloween costumes and such.  I also note that someone is making a KILLING outfitting themselves in all the specified colors for each game.  Oh well.  It's fun.
And it does make for some awesome pictures:)  Of course, Bethany and Elinor were up at Utah State and Clark was so kind to come up and hang out with Peter and Greta.  They were thrilled beyond belief to get an evening with Clark.  
One of the things I enjoyed the most about being at the game was running into lots of friends and family-- Here we are with the Evans Lee.
A contingent from my Clark side of the family seated very near to us.  They are die-hard BYU fans (as opposed to my fairweather fan nature).  They are the real deal.
The Snows are also legit BYU football fans.  George had fun sitting with his buddy Taylor for the game.  After half-time, we moved down to some empty seats closer to them.  I can follow the game a lot better when I am watching at home with the TV commentary, but you can't beat the atmosphere of a big crowd at a live football game.  It's pretty exciting.
My very bestest cousin Ben and his son McKay and their very scrumptious looking bowl of nachos.

BYU football and college football, in general, has been a fun bonding thing for Abe and Cannon this season.  They watch games, they follow the rankings and general talk and care about it a whole lot more than seems entirely reasonable to me.  But I'm glad they enjoy it together.
Faith is obsessed with Tyler Allgeier-- a BYU running back.  It was pretty funny to sit by her and little to her commentary.  
George thoroughly enjoyed his Cougar Tail (a giant maple bar).  I think he shared it with Taylor.  I hope he shared it with Taylor.
It's always fun to be back at BYU with Abe.  We were babies when we met and got married.  Now we're at 24 years and a whole lot of life later.  Still learning and loving each other.
Now for my most favorite or favorite pictures!  It's beyond my favorite picture of the week.  "George Q."  is the cannon the BYU ROTC fires off at the games when the team scores.  George Q. Cannon was a remarkable leader in early church history and he's my third great grandfather.  So you know I really wanted this picture of George and Cannon with "George Q." at the game.  Abe was so obliging to take them down at half-time and beg access to "George Q." and get this picture I will treasure.

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