Sunday, September 19, 2021

Football, Reptiles, Straight Teeth, and Cup Towers

 That is perhaps the strangest, but most descriptive blog post title I've ever written.  Football, reptiles, straight teeth and cup towers.  Let's go in that order, shall we?

I freely confess to being a fair-weather fan of BYU football.  When they are winning I love to cheer them on.  When they aren't, I have better things to do.  I know my attitude isn't very loyal or admirable, but it's football team, not my religion.  So there you have it.  

Lucky for us, BYU's season is off to a very good start!  So we're all in!  We're loving staying up late watching the games and following the rankings and wearing our BYU shirts.  This picture was taken right after BYU beat our rivals, the University of Utah after nine straight losses.  It was a sweet moment.  
The game last night again Arizona State was a lot of fun as well.  Next week Abe is taking Team Middle Kids (Faith, Cannon, and George) to the game in Provo.  
Faith recently acquired this little leopard gecko.  I think I mentioned a little while back that reptiles are all the rage in our house again.  I say again, because I thought I was done with reptiles when Clark left home.  Alas, 'tis not so.
He's pretty cute.  Because she got him on September 11th, Faith named him Tower, but his nickname is Tewey.  Get it?  
Peter was overcome with joy to catch this garter snake on the front bushes outside our front door.  "Funny" story about this snake.  We don't have him anymore because Peter took it over to his friend's house.  This friend also has a pet snake.  The friend had the idea to let the snakes slither around the bathroom.  Sadly for Peter, his snake then slithered up into a hole under the bathroom drawer and disappeared.  I had to send a text to his friend's mom informing her she had a snake on the loose in her house.  Not a fun text to send and I'm sure it wasn't a fun text to get!  Thankfully, the following day the snake was found on the hamper the next day and let go in the great outdoors.  Peter was devastated to not get the snake back, but consequences-- am I right?
Favorite picture of the week:  On a recent visit to the pet store, Abe took this picture of Great holding a large bearded dragon. 
I told the kids they had to let the two stinky garter snakes go because they were stinky and if I can smell them they have to go.  They decided to pool resources and get a ball python.  Sigh.  He is a very attractive snake-- maybe about six months old.  His name is Monty.  Get it?  Monty Python.  
Now you see them...
... Now you don't!  
Faith was so happy to get her braces off this week.  
The cup stacking started small...
Then it grew...
... and grew...

... and grew...

Well, you get the idea.  George had quite a fun day building cup towers.
He got artsy on us:)  I love how George loves to create things from anything and everything he can find around the house.  



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