Friday, September 3, 2021

The School Year Begins Again


Another school year is upon us.  Happy, happy day.   I love the start of a new school year.  We have purpose and direction again.  The schedule is back in full swing and it makes for happy kiddos and a very happy mama.  And now I only have five kiddos at home and to be honest, it makes my load feel a lot lighter. 

Faith, Cannon, and George are all doing a new science curriculum called Supercharged Science.  Years ago Bethany and Elinor did this same program, but it's come a long way since then.  The kids are LOVING it and I love that they love it and are having fun doing lots of experiments that require little to no effort from me. 

Cannon and Faith are finding they are much more efficient in getting school work done if they are away from the other kids.  Cannon often sets up shop in my room.

Faith usually works alone in her room, but occasionally she welcomes Greta in to do school work with her.  

Peter is a big fan of audio books.  He can often be found resting on his bed while listening.  I encourage this because its good for his vocabulary and it soothes his intense little soul. 

We got a couple new (to us) laptops this year because all the kids have parts of their school work they do on a computer.  There was a little too much competition for computer time.  

I took this picture because it humored me.  George was actually practicing his hymn in this position.  I guess he had it memorized and I guess he didn't want to be practicing.

Faith still enjoys her gymnastics and still has her tricks.

Aerial---Round-off, back handspring, back tuck---Five back handsprings

Nutcracker rehearsals have begun!  Cannon is first, George is 2nd and Peter is 4th in line.  This is Peter's first Nutcracker  and he is pretty excited.  It does mean more time in the studio, but its already the boys home away from home and they are happy to be there.

Greta isn't old enough to be in Central Utah Ballet's Nutcracker, but that doesn't stop her from performing her own shows at home.

This lasted about 45 minutes, but Click here to watch a small sample of her art:).  

Greta was so excited to get these beyond adorable glasses this week.  One eye is markedly weaker than the other, so she wears her glasses when doing her school work.  SO DANG CUTE!

Here she is wearing them for her violin practice.

Faith's cornhole set arrived last weekend.  Team CORNUCOPIA was immediately out practicing.

Cannon had an impressive first showing.  He may give us some real competition.

We had some family over Sunday evening and my dad also proved a worthy opponent.  

Peter had Tae Kwon Do testing last Saturday.  I adore his little pointy ballet toes!

He passed and now a proud senior blue belt. 

I'll end this post with a picture of our wonderful cat.  He's not the brightest cat, but he is a good cat.  He is quiet and tolerant and he amuses us with his comical sleeping positions

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