Sunday, September 26, 2021

Is There Anything More Glorious?

 Keep scrolling... nothing to see here--- just a mom taking her three boys shoe shopping.  

But wait...

We weren't shopping for just any shoes!  We were shopping for new ballet shoes for all three boys.  Between summer intensives, regular classes and several hours of Nutcracker rehearsals to boot, their ballet shoes were pretty shredded.  
I'm sure they aren't the only set of three ballet brothers around, but they are a bit of an anomaly.  I think they are pretty awesome.
We visited a very fun park in Pleasant Grove while waiting to pick up Cannon from dance last week.  We don't visit parks as much as we did when the bigger kids were younger.  I figure schedules are just  tighter with kids involved in so many great things.  It was a treat to have a block of time open to just let kids just run around and play.  
I love those perfect fall days when it is crisp and cool in the morning, and then pleasantly warm in the afternoon.  You can open the windows you don't need to run the air conditioner or the furnace.  On this particular morning, Peter and Greta were cold when they woke up and Faith playfully wrapped them up and turned them into "penguins".  They were delighted! 

Let's take a moment to relish how good fall is.  The colors, the smells, the schedule, the traditions, the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (I don't eat them, but I still love to make them)  the feeling of gathering in, the anticipation of holidays on their way, the sweater weather (not quite here, but knocking at the door), the perfect morning walking weather, the college football, the crunchy leaves, the start of Christmas music as piano students start learning recital pieces.  Is there anything more glorious than fall?  

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