Sunday, September 19, 2021

Twenty Years Later


On the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks we visited the Riverton City Park to see the memorial flag display.  

It's hard to believe it has been 20 years.  In so many ways, it seems like it was about five years ago-- maybe ten at the very most.  But twenty?    
To put that in perspective, here is a picture taken a day or two before--
We were with Abe's brother's family in Orlando, Florida.  Clark had just turned two years old and Bethany was about six months old.  We were all babies!
Clark and his cousin Alexis.  Our vacation got extended several days because we had to wait for the airlines to be permitted to fly again.  I was so nervous to fly home.  
None of the children in this picture were alive at the time and their understanding is about what my understanding of the Vietnam war was as a child. Bethany has written a beautiful song about 9/11 called "Post or Pre" exploring the idea of how we are unified through these major life events.  Here is a link to the song and video she put together.  

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