Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Moving Day for the Foxy Ladies


Last Tuesday, August 24th was moving day for Bethany and Elinor heading up to Logan and Utah State University.  It was a happy day for everyone.  

I had the honor of getting to drive them up and help them get moved into their respective apartments.  And no, they are not living together.  Bethany was so excited to get back up to school-- she loved her experience last semester and she loved her roommates-- most of whom are living together again this year, although in a different apartment complex.  Elinor was excited and a bit apprehensive to move out and have the college experience.
Elinor is living in Merrill Hall on campus.  It's apartment style (so no meal plan) and she has a shared room.  She didn't know any of her roommates going in, but she seems to like them all.  I will say, her dorm room is very well laid out with a LOT of storage.  She packed relatively lightly, so she is comfortably settled in her space.
She is on the third floor (by her request).  
Bethany is at Bridgerland apartments.  When her roommates picked this complex, I think they may have looked at pictures of a newly remodeled unit.  The unit they were assigned is... shall we say... not newly remodeled.  And it further away from campus and it costs more and the laundry is farther away.  So, she wasn't thrilled with that, but she was rolling with it and I'm sure she'll make the best of it.  Also, Bethany doesn't pack quite so lightly:)  She is however, pretty organized, so I'm sure she's settled in nicely too.
It is humble:)
And in somewhat disrepair.... Oh well, it reminds me of Abe's and my days at the GlenHOLE (Glenwood) down in Provo.
A little visit to the local Chick-fil-a for lunch.  It's pretty nice for Elinor that Bethany has already been up in Logan for a semester and kind of knows the ropes.  They've gotten together a few times already and I'm hoping having each other will stave off any bouts of homesickness.
And then THIS was so fun-- I spotted a long-lost friend!  Autumn and I were teenagers together in Monterey, CA back in the day.  I haven't seen her in person since my wedding.  She was dropping her oldest son off at Utah State as well.  That was pretty awesome.
Aggie ice cream and a little visit to the Campus Store.

Awww... sisters together at college.  How nice. 
And then things got silly.

The awkward school dance pose

And then we ran across some very familiar faces from home-- Aimee and Glen Shaw.  Our friends and neighbor and their boys are great friends with our kids.  They were moving their son  Bryson up to Logan as well.
We made a quick stop at the Deseret Book/Distribution Center and we found Elder Young-- a fellow young performing missionary from Nauvoo!  
I said good-bye to Bethany at her apartment.  
And then I dropped Elinor at her apartment.  And just like that, our first three children are moved out and away at college.   And it's good.  It's good for them and good for the kids at home.  It's good for me to take a step back and let them spread their wings.  

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