Sunday, June 26, 2022

Camping, Hiking, Dancing, Visiting, and Jumping

Last Friday evening Elinor and Brandon took the boys camping.  It was very good of them and the boys had a great time, even if the fishing wasn't so good.  

With the boys off camping and Faith off with friends, it was just Abe and me and Greta hanging out.  So we pretended Greta was an only child and we took her to get some dinner and to the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point to play.
Saturday morning we took her on a hike over in Corner Canyon.  It's nice that now they have some trails designated for hikers only.
She is such a joy to us.
She loved the tiny little flowers.
Sunday was Father's Day and we celebrated Abe and the awesome father that he is.  
We missed Bethany and enjoyed getting to talk to her on Father's Day.  It was all-around a lovely day with our favorite people.
Monday morning I drove Faith and a van full of other kids from our ward down to BYU for FSY (For Strength of Youth) for a week-long camp.  Faith (and I think they all) had a great time and made new friends and hopefully learned some good stuff.
Brother Brad Wilcox from the General Young Men's Presidency was there greeting the youth so we got a picture with him.  He was so kind.
Faith loved being roommates with Tristin.
Summer Intensive continues for the boys (and Ivory-- our carpool friend).  They have two more weeks of  8-2:30 Monday through Friday.  It's demanding, but good.  Peter only has one more week and he has been surprised at how much he's enjoyed it.  
Just this past Saturday Greta had a little two-hour dance camp.
This made my heart so happy this week-- Dave Young was on a business trip to Dallas/Fort Worth area last week and he paid Bethany an unexpected visit.  I'm excited to talk to Bethany tomorrow and hear all about it.  Dave is very much like a father or uncle to Bethany and I'm sure it did her heart good as well.
He was so thoughtful to bring her a ukelele.  A gift from one talented musician to another.  
Wednesday night we had such a lovely time with my dear cousins and their spouses, Ben and Cali and Brandon and Rachelle.  Both Abe and I enjoy their company so much.  Brandon and Rachelle live in Virginia so we don't get to see them often enough.  We ate at a very tasty Thai restaurant in Lehi.  Great conversation and lots of laughter.
Our new trampoline arrived this week and Abe and mostly George put it together.  We are all grateful to have it, and our kiddos are trying to love it.  It's just that it was well known that we had the best, bounciest trampoline in the neighborhood and we'd had it for a very long time-- longer than any of the children now living in our house.  Perhaps we didn't have a long enough grieving period before moving on to a new one.  For whatever it's worth, I think this one is pretty good too.

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