Sunday, June 19, 2022

Summer in Full Swing


I said it before, and I'll say it again.  Getting the pool in the backyard was the best thing that ever happened to summer at our house.  

Last Saturday afternoon was Swim With Dad Day:)
Okay, now, I am warning you right now that if you don't do snakes-- and I realize most people don't want to have anything to do with snakes--- you might want to scroll quickly.
Proof that Fox boys have been catching bull (gopher) snakes for a long time.  There's Abe, Clark, and George.  Snakes or no snakes, they are all so cute!
Okay, I'm sorry I disturbed some of you.  All done with snakes for now.
Saturday night was WAAAAAY fun.  The four of us-- Abe, Cannon, Clark, and I went to the AJR concert at the Usana amphitheater.  This is Cannon's favorite band and for his birthday he wanted to go to the concert on June 11th.  So Abe bought two tickets for them to go.  Clark had already bought two tickets and I bought one of his tickets off him, so the four of us were off to the concert.  AJR is a really great band-- fun, positive, energetic, and quite a bit hipper than I'll ever be.  
We had two tickets in chairs and two on the lawn.  Abe and Clark switched around a bit, and Cannon stayed in the chair and I stayed on the lawn (by my own choice).
It was a perfect summer evening in so many ways.
With my love.
Another one:)
Bethany's good friend (from Utah State, even though he, too, is from Riverton), Noah, found us in the outrageously long lines to get in.  Of course we took a picture to send to Bethany on her mission.  So fun to see him!
Also, it was kind of crazy that of the 19,000 people at the concert, the car the parked right behind us in the masses of parking, was Bridger's family-- from our neighborhood.  Neither of us knew the others would be there.  
But seriously, it was such an enjoyable night.
Not the clearest picture, but no matter.  Last Sunday, our friends, the Portlocks, who happen to be family history specialists in our ward-- came over to give Abe, Faith, Cannon, and me a crash course in how to do family history and find names to take to the temple.  It's something I've wanted to learn more about for a long time and they were so gracious to come over the very day I asked.  It was so interesting and I learned some things and now am anxious to learn more!
Cannon and George began their ballet summer intensive on Monday and will go Monday- Friday 8:00 am to 2:30 pm for four weeks.  As you can imagine, they are sleeping very well at night.
Peter is goes from 3:00-5:30 for three weeks.  
With the boys gone so much and Faith often gone to swim or work or hanging out with friends, I'm spending a lot of time with Greta.  She has discovered yoga for kids on Youtube.
In exciting news for Greta, she has been working on getting her backhandspring.  And while it's still tough for her and she is working on consistency, SHE GOT IT!!! She's done about 25 of them so far, so I think it's going to stick.
Here is the link to see it the night she got it.
Her reward for working so hard and finally getting it was this amazing sparkling cat purse.  If you know Greta, you know this was totally her jam.  
In very sad news, our loyal trampoline of 18 years died this week.  Abe was dragging/moving it so we could mow the lawn, and the rusted frame broke.  And you know that very night we started researching replacing it, because I don't want to parent without a trampoline.  When kids get rowdy, I just say, "Take it to the trampoline!"  Yesterday I said that to the boys and George said, "We don't have one!"
Blast!  Hopefully our new one will arrive this week.

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