Sunday, December 16, 2018

A Night To Remember

I love the feeling of being somewhere, or of being with someone, and feeling so happy and satisfied and fulfilled, that I just look around and try to soak it all in.  I take a deep breath and say a pray of gratitude and hope I can remember everything about it for the rest of my life.  
That is how I felt last night when Abe and I went to the Capitol Theater to watch Cannon and George in Ballet West's Nutcracker opening weekend.  
They were WONDERFUL!! Cannon was Fritz and my goodness!  He was so animated and so clear in his emotions and intentions.  Such a large stage with professional dancers and he was all over it!  Not even a hint of nervousness.  He was a ham and he loved every moment of it.  Abe and I were laughing and delighted and we'd never seen a naughtier Fritz!  Which was just as he should have been.  
George was so little up there, but spot on with his dancing and timing and rhythm and it was such joy to watch them up there together.  
From the program.
The time commitments to be a part of this production are immense, but the boys have both thoroughly enjoyed it.  They don't mind the travel time, or the demanding rehearsal schedule.  They love the kids they get to know and the screen free time spent back stage results in creative and fun games. 
Last night was their last of eight performances for the A cast.  Now this week these two are the B cast understudies.  So although they likely won't perform any more shows this year, they get the fun of hanging out backstage just in case.  
 We were so grateful for the support crew that came to see them with us.
A cast Clara and Fritz.  She was exquisite!
We sure appreciated Zach filling in the big brother role in Clark's absence:)
It was magical to sit with Abe and watch our boys doing something they enjoy so much.  
While we were at the ballet, Bethany and Raven enjoyed the Kristin Chenoweth concert with the Choir, and Orchestra, and Bell Choir at Temple Square.  Now THAT is a hot ticket in town.  They loved it and they love each other!  
But man, oh, man!  The traffic downtown last night was something else!  Worth it, but YIKES!

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