Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ward Christmas Party 2018

The ward Christmas party was last weekend.  I suppose we all get a turn, and this year it was Abe and my's turn to be in charge.  I think it turned out pretty well, but it's hard to say.  The party isn't really too much fun to for the people in charge-- although, I will say we had marvelous people helping out and we could not have done it without them.  So many people were willing to pitch in, and help out, and make it happen.
 I can't take much credit for the decorating, but I thought it looked so lovely.

We attempted a little Nativity pageant that was very simple and sweet.  I was impressed with the shepherd's and wise men's efforts at holding still and being reverent.  Primary kids for the win!
The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary.
And to Joseph in a dream..
I still remember getting to be an angel in a Nativity when I was a very young girls.  Hopefully, these little angels will have fond memories as well.
Santa made a visit at the end.  I love it when Santa comes to the ward Christmas party-- saves me a trip to the mall.  I avoid the mall like the plague.
Greta was quite taken with Santa.
She was very talkative.  
They are so funny!  These four have been such fun to watch grow up and with the announcement that boys can be ordained in January of the year they turn twelve, they will all become deacons together in just over a year.  This is going to be fun!
I do like planning things with Abe.  He's good with details and he likes to make things nice for everyone.  
Shout out to Elinor who happily took care of Greta all evening while Abe and I were busy helping with dinner and the program.   She's pretty great.

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