Sunday, April 21, 2019

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Why, yes!  Yes, we are having a pretty good time.  Not always, of course.  Sometimes life feels heavy and hectic and hard.  But acknowledging the good times helps me more patiently endure the rough patches. 
Elinor was proving she could lift the three boys at once.  I don't think it was very comfortable for them, but she was right-- she could do it!
Working together on floor puzzles. 
Park hopping day over spring break with George, Peter and Greta.  Both Elinor and Bethany were at work and I dropped Cannon and Faith off at the pool to go swimming.  It was a perfect park day. Three hours and three parks later everyone was tired out and ready for.... playing with more friends in the neighborhood.  Spring break was pretty great that way.
The first backyard cookout of the season.  Ahhh.  That felt good.
Sunday night dinner and games with dear friends. 
A Foxy Ladies meeting.

Oh my goodness, too much fun.
Hee hee hee.
The littlest Foxy Lady and her look alike sister.
Elinor and Faith at their first USA swim meet this weekend.  They currently swim for two different teams and Faith was pretty happy to hang out with Elinor and her crew.  Elinor was a pretty great sister to welcome Faith in. 
Reading stories while surrounded by warm, snuggling little bodies has to be one of my very favorite activities in the whole world.  I love everything about it!  You know what else I love?-- Underwear Head.  It's always funny. 
I also love the book Greta is holding-- Dragon Was Terrible.  We all thought it was hysterical.
Abe and I took a rather spur of the moment trip up to Logan a couple weekends ago to go see my BYU college roommate, Sebrina, star as Donna in Mamma Mia!  It was so enjoyable and she was brilliant. 
She is so beautiful and it was so wonderful to see how she has developed her talent and doing something she loves.  She was inspiring.

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