Monday, April 29, 2019

Spring Has Sprung-- Happy Day!

Ahhh... spring!  We live in Utah, so it shouldn't be surprising, but that was a long, cold winter.  The sunshine and green grass and blue skies and warmer temperatures are a beautiful thing.  The kids are happier to be playing outdoors and morning walks are markedly more comfortable and enjoyable. 
See that beautifully manicured grass in the background? 
Yeah... not ours.  But I appreciate it:)
In this moment George is hanging upside down, but I like watching him at parks because he immediately heads to the highest point of the play structure.  He's an adventurous little lad.
Sweetie little Greta.  She's also becoming a little bit of a sassy little Greta.  We have it coming.
While Cannon and Faith were at a science class in Sandy last week, I took these three to the Draper City Park.  This was one of Clark favorite snake catching locations when he was about George's age.  I mentioned this to the boys and they were on a quest to find a snake.  Tis' the season:)
They explored along the creek (maybe it was really some kind of drainage ditch, but for our purposes we will call it a creek).  Just before it was time for us to head out...
SUCCESS!!!! They caught the tiniest baby garder snake.  Of course we brought it with us because I believe it's okay for animals to give their lives for science. 
Yes.  I did just say that.
Nothing draws a crowd of little kids faster than the capture of an actual live snake.  It should come as no surprise that Peter was standing up yelling at everybody what they could or couldn't do in regards to the snake. 
Give me strength.I posted these picture of the boys and their snake of Facebook.  Shortly thereafter, Clark posted these pictures of himself and a little beauty he caught in Texas.  It made me ridiculously happy.  Clark continues to set a wonderful example for his younger siblings and I would be so grateful for them to follow in his footsteps--- more in the missionary service than the snake catching-- but I'll take them both!

I spoke with Clark earlier today and asked about the snake picture.  Just as we suspected, he was riding along on his bike, saw the snake and jumped off to catch it.  He said, "Well, it wasn't poisonous and I used a stick so I wouldn't get bit".
Oh... well, as long as you're safe😬
Cannon went on a three mile hike with his Webelos group.  Confession:  We have not been very dedicated Cub Scouters with Cannon and George.  That being said, I am so thankful to leaders who give of their time to help the boys have meaningful experiences and foster friendships.  And I really like this picture and the boys in it.

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