Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter 2019

We had a such a lovely Easter this past Sunday.  Church was wonderful and I am so thankful for Easter and what it means for our family and for all of us.  I look at this picture it is obvious that Clark is missing.  But on Easter I am feel happy at the thought that Tessa,the beautiful baby we lost in between Elinor and Faith, will be with us again after this life.  We will be with  my mom and Abe's dad again.  Easter-- the atonement and the resurrection are what give everything else here on earth meaning and purpose.  We definitely miss our missionary on holidays, but we talked with Clark today and he had a great week in Longview, TX.
Because we have church at nine and the choir was singing so we needed to be there by 8:30, we got an early start to the day.  It's no small thing to get this crew to church on time-- oh, it can be done, but it does take some planning and forethought.
We all gathered in our room so we could go down to see if the Easter Bunny had come.  I know... it's so cheesy, but it's tradition.
Fortunately, the Easter Bunny did pay us a visit and I had the candy wrappers all over the house to prove it.
Our couches are currently in our kitchen.  BRILLIANT!  We have had this arrangement briefly before when the girls did their Sweethearts dinner at our house back in February.  We moved them back this way during the spring break last week just for fun-- something new.  But we all like it this way that we may keep it for a while.  Everyone wants to hang out in the kitchen all the time anyway.  Now we have a formal dining room in the living room.  Ooh la la!  How fancy!
Once everyone looked through their baskets, the trading and bargaining began.  George cornered the market on Peeps.  Bethany managed to collect all the Airheads.  Peter ended up with two packs of bubble tape.
Greta got PJ masks pajamas.  It was very upsetting to her when she had to get dressed for church.
The girl couch.
George was please with the Easter Bunny's gift of new black socks.  Cannon was less impressed with the Bunny's offering of new underwear.
WHAT?  He said he wanted new underwear!
It was a pleasure for us to host the missionaries for dinner on Sunday.  We sent them home with a bag of leftover homemade rolls.  One of my gifts:)
While I was at a swim meet with Elinor and Faith on Saturday morning, Abe braved the city Easter Egg hunt with George and Peter and Greta... because he is awesome like that.
I hardly think this qualifies as an "egg hunt" since the eggs and candy are just thrown out onto a flat, roped-off area.  Based off of this picture, it looks like the kids are about to go pick up litter from the local city park.  But they loved it.  It does beg the question... why can my children pick up the candy so fast, but are so slow or incapable of picking up the candy wrappers?

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