Monday, April 8, 2019

Girls and Boys

The girls.  I had no idea how much fun a house full of teenage girls would be.  They are my joys.  We recently wrapped up birthday month in which Elinor turned 16, Bethany turned 18 and Faith turned 13.  Tessa's birthday is also in the mix just a week before Elinor's.  She would be 14.  I like that their birthdays are so close together... and it's also somewhat exhausting.  This Foxy  Ladies outing to Chick-fil-A was to celebrate Faith's special day.
Bethany commented how cute the "Chick-Fil-A Preschool Moms" were.  This a demographic of young, stylish moms of preschoolers that religiously congregate at Chick-Fil-A with other young stylish moms for lunch dates.  It's true-- go at lunch time and see for yourself.  I acknowledged that while I didn't fit that category, I was in a category I markedly prefer-- Not-so-young, not-so stylish Chick-fil-A highschool mom.
This Foxy Ladies outing to Rita's Italian Ice and Custard was to help Elinor through a rough patch with a boy.  Oh, yeah... rough patches with boys are part of the charm of having three teenage daughters.  If I must, I will do my part and go get gelatos with the girls.  What can I say?  That's just the kind of selfless mother I am.
Lest you think I discriminate against the boys-- they came along on a first day of spring gelato celebration.  I am an equal opportunity gelato eater.  That doesn't even make any sense.  Oh, well, it was tasty and Cannon learned a very valuable lesson-- chocolate italian ice is gross-- even if, and perhaps especially if they say it tastes like melted down then refrozen tootsie rolls.  Go with fruity flavors.
I really enjoy the boys too.  But listen, if you have been so blessed to experience raising a bunch of girls compared to a bunch of boys--- well... it's different.  
They are smart and energetic and loud and fun and friendly and that little one in brown has a will that never stops.  And at the moment of writing this post, I feel very tired. 
I present one of George's superhero costume creations, fashioned from a diaper box and toilet paper rolls.  The boy has vision.
He's so darn cute.  And so darn demanding.   And I don't have words strong enough to express my appreciation to his neighborhood friend, Eric ("Agic" with a speech impediment) who comes over for hours at a time and occupies Peter seems to genuinely enjoy his company. 

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