We had such a marvelous time last celebrating Raven and Elliott's wedding last weekend. I'm sure, in part, because of COVID, to get to go to an event and be with people and do things that feel a little bit normal, FEELS SO GOOD!!! This was such a happy occasion with people we have loved so much for so long. Camille had left by the time this picture was taken, but these women are inspiring and loving and it is my honor to be called their friend.Here's Camille with Keith and Abe.
Bethany was one of Raven's bridesmaids-- which she loved. Abe and Bethany shared a special dance at the reception. Abe is very comfortable making sure his kids know how much he loves them. I think that's pretty great.
Our three "youth" on a combined young men/women 5th Sunday zoom class. What a weird time we're in! But it's certainly not all bad. At least these three don't look too miserable.
And how cool is this? My friend Annie organized these cute boys to do a sock drive for the homeless in our neighborhood. They collected almost 500 pairs of socks! I love it when everyone gives what they have to give. Annie is great at planning and organizing. Maybe I'm wrong, but for her, putting this together probably didn't seem like a daunting task. She just did her thing and this beautiful result came from it. Meanwhile, I was over here at my house feeling overwhelmed and a bit of a failure at teaching my kids about service. The #lighttheworld movement is such a source of good, but sometimes I struggle to add one more good thing. And then along comes Annie, who cheerfully and graciously offers her gift to help my children. I think that's amazing. Last Sunday my three oldest children sat around together talking about life and college. They like each other. That makes this mom heart very happy.Alexa was asked to be the artistic director for the pre-built gingerbread house (which the children informed me was the lamest thing in the entire world-- but at least I tried). Alexa is quite artistic, which I am thrilled about, because many of my children are lacking in this area. The apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree.
Elinor at her second home-- the Walgreens pharmacy. See that plastic bag on the counter next to her? We brought her a couple slices of pizza during one of her eleven hour shifts. We just wrapped it up and sent it through the drive through slot. She was thrilled. She absolutely loves working there.
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