Friday, December 25, 2020

Italian Thanksgiving (late) 2020

Italian Thanksgiving with our like family, family.  We were a little later this year to celebrate our annual tradition, but it was wonderful nontheless.  

We all contribute parts of the meal and it has a very extended family feel-- like brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins coming together.  You can never have too much family.  Am I right?

All that construction on the Salt Lake Temple
Greta tells me what's what.
Then we sang Christmas carols and enjoyed a little talent show from all willing participants.  It was pretty much my favorite thing.

Life is tough sometimes.  Having good friends who love you and believe the best in you and you in them, makes the journey easier and much more enjoyable.  I am grateful for that.  
And a group selfie in the elevator on our way home. 

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