Sunday, December 27, 2020

Gingerbread Battle Royale 2020


Bethany, Elinor, and Faith went ahead with their Christmas party/gingerbread competition tradition.  They did limit their numbers more than they would have in a non-COVID time--they each only invited three friends.  Also, for whatever it's worth, they had all three been tested very recently and were negative.  I guess we all have to make choices about what kind of risk we're comfortable with.   We were comfortable with this and they had so much fun.

Team Faith-- Braxton, Faith, and Brinnli
Team Elinor-- Savannah, Enoch, Elinor, and Tyler.  I like Elinor and Tyler's handmade ugly Christmas sweaters.
Team Bethany-- Jeremiah, Bethany, Jacob, Victoria and Victoria's little sister:)

The theme this year was "All I Want For Christmas" and Elinor's team built a set of dentures missing the two front teeth (so clever!) out of twizzlers and marshmallows.
They also built a solid tower with absolutely no meaning whatsoever.  Their team won the "Most Disturbing" award.

Faith's team went with a jail break, "All I Want For Christmas" is to get out of jail idea.  They won "Best Use of Theme".
Bethany's team were in fine creative form-- a classic homey Christmas scene with a tootsie roll man tied up in twizzlers under the Christmas tree.
Our wonderful, good-sport neighbors-- the Robinsons and Camerons came over to be our judges.

The choices from left to right-- Bethany, Faith, Elinor.
These were perhaps our most thorough, systematic judges.  They didn't miss anything
This is a favorite Christmas tradition that Clark and Bethany started and I hope it continues through all the kids.  They entertain me.

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