Sunday, December 27, 2020

Getting Into the Spirit of Christmas


Misty, my former sister-in-law,  (but always family to us) organized a service project on the morning of December 23rd-- handing out food and treats to less fortunate folks downtown.  We had planned for Peter and Greta to go play at a friend's house, but then Peter woke up with a stuffy nose.  And in the day of COVID, you just don't send your sick kid to someone else's house.  So, I stayed home with the littles and Abe went  with Bethany, Elinor, Faith, Cannon, and George.
George manned the chip station.  Sometimes I want to give and share, and I don't know where to begin.  I am so appreciative of those who have a simple idea of how to help and they use their gifts to involve others and make it happen.  

Cannon and Aliyah taking care of the doughnuts.

The helpers
Abe took the kids out to lunch when they were all done. 

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