Sunday, December 27, 2020

Cocoa and Doughnuts 2020

Tuesday night was our neighborhood Cocoa and Doughnuts.  We debated whether or not to go forward with our tradition-- Covid and all, but then we thought, "Why not?"  It's outdoors and easy to social distance.  People will come if they can and feel comfortable.  Or they won't and we'll have fun with ourselves and we'll have lots of doughnuts to enjoy:)

Our numbers were smaller than in years past, but we really had a lovely time with those neighbors that were able to make it.  The future young women of our ward. Ellie, Greta, Millie, Molly, Hazel, and Aly
Foxes and Endemanos just go together.

George, Oliver, and Dallas
Eric and Peter
I hope lots of people feel this way about their neighborhoods, but we sure love where we live and the people we live around.
Greta and her best gal pal Aly

Elinor and her boy, Tyler
Stephanie, Amanda, Ed, Michelle, Abe and I.
Cannon and Ryder

Good neighbors are such a blessing.

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