Sunday, August 22, 2021

Boys, Boys, Boys


George and his three best buddies in the neighborhood went to Civil War History Camp at Camp Floyd the first week of August.  They had a BLAST! The kids are randomly assigned the be on the North or the South and lucky for them it worked out two and two.  This is a three day day camp that Elinor, Faith, and Cannon all got to do as well.  We're pretty big fans of the experience and George loved it!

So cute.
George's dramatic death in the final battle.  The North was decimated, but the acting was noteworthy.
Abe took the boys to the ward's Fathers and Sons campout.  Since it was down Mapleton way, they left extra early to hit up their favorite reptile hunting grounds up Spanish Fork Canyon.  George and Peter are REALLY into reptiles these days.
Cannon-- age 13, George--age 11, Peter-- age 7, Abe-- age 46
Cannon and Ryan slept in their hammocks.  
Peter got stung by two bees--one on each leg.  Sadness.
Cannon rode home with Ryan and Abe and George and Peter made one more stop at Red Ledges and climbed up to the Sun.
Red Ledges has been a favorite hangout for the Fox boys for a long time-- since Clark was younger than Peter and we were introduced to it when Clark took a reptile class at the Bean Museum at BYU.
Shortly after the Fathers and Sons campout was the Deacons' Camp to Long Lake.  Abe works with the Deacons at church and he was delighted to lead an expedition to his favorite backpacking spot.
They started out with a Ropes course.
It's a pretty great group of young men, most of whom have been friends their whole lives.  
It was special that the dads of those four boys were able to go on the campout at as well.  
Here's the whole gang at the Ropes course.

Cliff jumping was the highlight of the campout.  It's best the moms aren't there to watch:)

I'm grateful they got to go on this adventure together.

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