Sunday, August 22, 2021

Girls, Girls, Girls


She's getting the hang of eyeliner.

Greta's first day at her new dance studio-- Central Utah Ballet-- the same place as the boys.  She loves it.
A lunch date with my long-time and dear friend, Rebecca.  She is so good for my soul.  It is a blessing to have friends to share the journey of motherhood with.
The moms and younger sisters watching the boys' Civil War battle.  I'm so thankful for these ladies and their little ladies whom Greta adores.  
Elinor at the Midvale parade.  It was a very smoky day-- honestly, not that enjoyable to be out in.  But it was fun to go with just Faith and Greta.  We had a good time anyway.
Greta has been working hard with her violin.  She's still not a very willing practicer, but it takes time to get into the habit.  It's been tough with so many trips this summer.  I suppose that's what summer is for, but we finished out last trip (for a while at least) this past weekend and we are ready to settle in and get to work.
More on Bethany's homecoming in a later post, but it was so sweet to hear them playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" together on their violins.  Greta says she's almost as good as Bethany:)

Faith does a quad workout with Greta as a weight.

Greta's ballet class.

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