Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Trip Must Go On


Last Saturday we all piled into a big van yet again and took off to Spokane for a week of Fox family festivities!  As I've mentioned in a previous post, there is a lot happening in our lives, and while that was distracting to at least a few of us, we still made so many beautiful memories and now I need to record them so I actually remember them!  Mom Fox is so loved by her children.  Throughout the week I saw almost all of her children at multiple turns going over to her and gently kissing her on the cheek and thanking her and expressing their love for her.  

One of our first items of business was to cut up a watermelon and check on the Olympics-- I mean, priorities, right?
We didn't go to Spokane last summer for the reunion, rather we went to the haunted hotel in Gooding, Idaho.  But this reunion was the "Return to Fox Hill".  And since Greta just turned 5, this will be the first Fox Hill reunion she will actually remember.  She was a fan.
The boys took off on an evening hike around the hill.
George found Abe's old bike.
Girls walk down to the Fox gate.
Take note of the Fox symbol on the gate-- you will see it again later in the reunion.  How's that for a teaser?  I think I've watched too much Olympic coverage.  Who am I kidding, there is no such thing as too much Olympics!
Faith's famous crab dance-- ha ha ha!
The joy of Grandma's big tub and giant rubber duckies.  Every single one of our children have shared in this same grandchild delight.
We went to church with Jesse and Amy's family on Sunday morning.  With so much traveling in July, we've missed being in our home ward for all but one week.  Even so, their ward was lovely and they were so kind to host us for lunch afterwards.
It's hard for Grandma to get out and about these days so we did a little Sacrament meeting with her on the hill.
Jesse is the brother just younger than Abe and Peter shares his name for a middle name.  He's pretty great.

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