Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Grateful Farewell to Lyceum Philharmonic

Abe and I went on a glorious date on Saturday night to the Tulip Festival.  I feel a little badly that several posts back I said some not so nice things about the Tulip Festival.  We had gone with our five youngest children and some of them were naughty and it was so crowded.  I feared the Tulip Festival had lost its charm for me.  But NO!  This time it was heavenly and magical and beautiful and healing to walk around holding hands with Abe.  The smells!  So amazing.  Of course, I will keep coming back.
The reason for our outing was to go listen to Bethany's final Lyceum Philharmonic Orchestra concert in the beautiful Thanksgiving Point Waterfall Amphitheater.  This annual concert is by far my favorite of the year and the guest artist this year was an exquisite violinist named Caroline Campbell.
Bethany has been a violinist in this remarkable orchestra for four years-- plus two years in the preparatory orchestras.  It has been a blessing for her to play under the direction of Kayson Brown.  She has played with notable performers-- The Piano Guys, Lexi Walker, Gentri, Simply Three, Marie Osmond, Caroline Campbell, Nathan Pachenco, and Jordan Bluth (to name a few).  These high schoolers record albums and make music videos and perform challenging classical pieces.
Kayson Brown's vision and belief of what these "kids" can do is inspiring and that's precisely what he does for them.   He inspires.
For six years she has spent every Wednesday afternoon at The American Heritage School in American Fork in rehearsal.  She has spent weeks during the summer at music festival camps.  I am so thankful for the opportunities she has had.  At different times it has been rewarding and humbling and wonderful and frustrating.  There have been tears and triumphs.  It's been very, very good.
Beautiful music and beautiful people.
She and a friend took some pictures after their rehearsal.
They're so cute.
How good of her to take her own senior pictures:)
The concert was on May the 4th (Stars Wars Day) and the concert opened with a Star Wars medley.  At the first notes I was brought to tears-- and not because I'm that fond of Star Wars-- rather bitter/sweet tears of gratitude for a job well done and the end of an era.  Well played, Bethany, well played.

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