Monday, May 6, 2019

Faith is an Ironman

Faith's first season of water polo has come to an end and IT. WAS. GOOD.  Not surprisingly, she loved it and can't wait to play summer and fall and spring and go to camps and.... yeah, I see where this is headed. 
She ended up playing on the 12 and under team, which team she barely made the cutoff for.  Had she been born three weeks early she would have had to play 14 and under, which has a much bigger team and it much more competitive.  As it is, she got loads of playing time and learned very quickly and improved a ton in a short time.
On the downside, their small team didn't win much--ever?  No matter.
This weekend was their state tournament and once again they didn't win but they accomplished something seriously impressive.
These seven little people played three tournament games in less than 24 hours and they had NO SUBSTITUTES!  Playing a water polo game with no subs is referred to as playing an "ironman".  There were a few other kids on the team, but maybe they were sick or had conflicts.  Whatever the reason, these kids were so tired, but they just kept playing!  I respect the heck out of that!
Such a big pool... so much swimming.  

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