Monday, May 6, 2019

Clark's Missionary Critter Corner

Time to share some pictures of "The Man-Child" who is really not a child anymore at all.  He is currently serving in Longview, TX, although this picture was a couple months ago in the Rio Trinidad area.  Here is is with his MTC companion, Elder Peterson.
Do you see him in the tree?
I've already shared this picture, but since it's probably my favorite missionary picture of him, it is worth re-posting.  I hope he didn't make his companion nervous:)
When he sent us this picture, we knew he was in a happy place:)
And now with a little tree frog.
He is so happy to be "out East" near the Louisiana border.  
This is so horrible to me, I can hardly look at the screen.  I am concentrating on typing the words and cant wait to scroll down.
Oh... a box full of kitties is much better.  I hope when he saw these kitties he though of our demonic cat.  Oh, did I mention our cat gave birth again to a litter of three kittens.  We are horrible pet owners.  No denying it.
I believe Clark has sent a Spidey-Man missionary picture in each of the apartments he's lived in.  Surprisingly, I've never asked him about the motivation behind these pictures.  But they amuse me and I like to see him having a good time along with the hard work.
Back to to animals.
Armadillo-- dead or alive?  I think dead.
He sent this home several months ago, but I still think it's funny.  
A surprise visit a couple months back and a hug from home-- Our dear friend Dave was in Dallas for work and he stopped by Clark's apartment.  What a treat to see this picture-- warmed our hearts.
In an effort complete a visit to all four states in his mission-- Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana-- he stepped over the border this week and checked off Louisiana.  
I don't remember if I shared this one or not, but this was back in the fall.
Elder Wardell and Elder Fox.  They weren't together very long, but Clark enjoyed this companionship.  Actually, he has really enjoyed all his companions-- there was a rough patch a couple months back with a companion who wasn't very fond of him, but thankfully, that has resolved.
I think this was on an exchange, because I don't recognize this Elder.
Here he is with his current companion, Elder Morrissey from Pocatello, Idaho.

There is a funny story behind this picture.  The sister missionary with the blonde hair is the older sister of Elder Morrissey.  She is on a mission in Arizona.  Their mom posted these two pictures of her missionaries, expressing thanks for their good companions. 
So then Clark and Elder Morrissey duplicated the sisters' picture.  Check it out.
Pretty good!  It humored me this morning and I loved our morning phone call.  He's hoping to stay put in Longview for at least one more transfer if not two. It is wonderful to see him working hard and serving and growing and learning.  I could not be happier for him.  
But I do miss him and I will be glad to get my arms around him again.  

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