Saturday, May 25, 2019

School Year Wrap 2019

We are quite near to the end of the school year.  Overall, I feel pleased with the results-- relationships are intact, there's been a lot of reading (together and separately) a lot of math, a fair amount of science, an enjoyable amount of history, spelling books are completed, custom planners are filled up and tattered and torn and Bethany is all set with a scholarship to BYU Idaho.  Come Monday morning we will finish reading through the Book of Mormon again.  That's a wrap on the school year!
Peter recently began "Reading Eggs"-- an online reading and math program that George really liked when he was younger.  Peter is so excited to be doing his school.  He is approaching it with all the delightful intensity this boy loves or hates anything.  From the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed he is asking to do it.  A+ for enthusiasm!
Here's a little zoom in of my littles-- I am grateful that they tend to get along together so well.  They are so much like Clark and Bethany were as little people, except they rarely butt heads.
George finished up his My Tech High Electricity class.
I love this picture of this kids this week.  Faith and Cannon are immersed in a pile of Legos building a Lego motel.  George is reading library books to Peter and Greta.  Our cat (did I mention she had more kittens) is laying with her kitties.  The kids are loving being home and being together.  And that, my friends, is the number one reason (of many) that I like homeschooling.
A couple weeks back, on a particularly lovely spring day, we finished reading aloud Around the World in Eighty Days outside under a shade tent.  It's a book I read with the older kids when they were younger.  I think we all enjoyed it and it always feels like an accomplishment to get through a "grown up" book with the kids.  It's harder, but more satisfying.  This week we read The Tale of Despereaux, which is one of my favorites to read-aloud.
Contrary to Peter's facial expression, we really did have a very enjoyable time at the Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point.  And get this---- No stroller and NO DIAPERS!!!  We are getting very close to having a potty trained Greta.
Peter was mesmerized by the butterflies.  It was pretty sweet.
This outing was just the three youngest because Cannon and Faith were at another location at Thanksgiving Point finishing up their Maker Space class they took and LOVED this year.

And as if one outing wasn't enough-- we also hit up the zoo this week.  This time Elinor and Faith and Cannon were with me and that made my job a lot easier.  It was way too cold for the end of May, but it wasn't crowded and we had a great time.  The pose of Faith and Cannon in this picture-- sheesh!
I pretty much force the kids into the nest for a picture each time we go.  Whatever... they like it.
Waiting for the sea lions swim by.
Such a treat to ride the carousel at the zoo.  George is happy wherever he goes and whatever he is doing. 
For being one of the Brothers' Fox, Cannon does not enjoy interacting with the animal kingdom.  The petting zoo is of particular offense to him.  Why?  I don't know.
Peter, on the other hand, was very happy to be out and about and walked the whole way.
Faith was Greta's helper.
Now that this school year is done, it's time to start thinking about next year-- what we want to focus on, what we want to do better, what we can live without and what is most important.

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