Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

With the somewhat recent changes in missionary communications, the Mother's Day phone call was not quite as highly anticipated, but it was absolutely no less enjoyable.  We had a grand time talking with and laughing with and loving being "together" Sunday afternoon.
He was a little under the weather with a cold, but in great spirits and looking good!  He even survived the tornado that tore up the town last week.
He is really liking the area he is in (Longview, TX).  He and his companion, Elder Morrissey are staying together for another transfer and that was good news to them both.
Greta sang him "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" while eating her pretend popcorn that she ate all day.
Mother's Day was lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed the day with my favorite people.  The card from the kids (via Abe) was a musical card that blasted "Simply the Best" by Tina Turner when opened.  I'm not going to lie.... I was greatly amused.  I opened it in the car just before leaving for church.  That may seem an odd place to do the traditional opening of the cards, but considering that the little people were strapped in their car seats, it was sort of ideal.  
After church (which was lovely as well) we took a mom and kids pic.
And we shared this charming moment that actually makes me so happy I don't know what to do with myself.
Greta took ownership of the card and when the music played we had to groove.
That evening a few of my family came over to celebrate my dad's birthday and Mother's Day.  We missed those who weren't with us:( The older I get the more I enjoy the company of the siblings I grew up with.  In this picture are my sister Brigitta and my youngest brother Chip/Peter.  He really goes by Peter these days and has for several years, but I find it very difficult to give up his childhood name of Chip.  He says I can still call him Chip, but that's because he's so darn nice!
We had a nacho bar, which is so easy, but so tasty!  Also, I spent much of the day working in the kitchen (by my own free will) making cinnamon rolls.  Making cinnamon rolls always makes me feel close to my mom as they were her specialty.  It seemed like a good idea on Mother's Day.
It was such a beautiful spring evening and the cousins played so peacefully the whole time.  
Makes me excited for lots of evenings outdoors this summer.  

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