Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Father and Sons

A little while back Abe asked me, "How do you feel about End Game?"
I replied, "I don't know what you are talking about.  What is this End Game of which you speak?"
He said, "That's all I needed to know."
In other words, he wanted to go see the latest Avengers movie with the boys, but he wanted to make sure I didn't want to see it with him.  Since I didn't even know what it was, and he already knew I'm not a big superhero movie fan, he was good to make plans with the boys.
And of course, the boys were thrilled with the idea!  We aren't big movie goers, so this was a real treat.  Well, for them... it wouldn't have been such a treat for me.
This weekend Abe took the boys on our ward's Fathers and Sons Campout.  This is a glorious activity for everyone involved.  The boys are so happy to go out on an adventure.  The girls are so happy to have the house to themselves!
The house was... shall we say... very peaceful and quiet in the boys' absence.
It makes me happy to see our boys growing up with such great boys in the neighborhood.
Ryder, Cannon, Jake, Joey, and George.

Peter warming his feet by the fire.  Forget the s'more... looks like Peter is just eating the Hershey's bar.  
These boys are pretty easily pleased and a quick, simple campout with the dad definitely did the trick this weekend.

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