Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019

Miss Greta is growing up.  Am I the only one who is shocked that she will turn THREE this July???  What. In. The. Heck?  Last week she painted her own nails and did a mighty fine job, if I do say so.  We also attempted the final Fox's potty training.  So yeah.  That is going... okay... all things considered.  #1?   Check.  Got it, no accidents for over a week.  #2 (yes, that #2), not good.  Not good at all.  It's a work in progress.  Fortunately for her, she is so darn cute.
Sometimes Faith likes to wrestle with me.  I used to win.  Not so much these days.  This picture was taken during the wrestling match, in which it was confirmed that she is tougher and stronger than me.  Faith=Beast.  But she's my beast and I love her.  I mean, I'm a little scared of her, but I love her.
Do you see the fear in my eyes?  And look at her!  It's like she's not even trying.
Faith and her bff, who also happens to be a fantastic little artist!  She drew this picture of her and Faith.  Here's a close up:
So cute and it captures these gals so well.  The shirts say "Water Polo Babe" and "Horse Jumping Babe".  
A week ago Abe and I went to an open house at the small private school my dad not only teaches at, but serves as chairman of the board of trustees?  directors?  Okay, I'm not sure exactly what his title is, but he is very involved and has worked tirelessly to help this school get moved into a beautiful old building on Main Street in Bountiful.  The school is Liberty Hills Academy.  Anyway, they hosted an open house and had on display several significant historical documents/letters-- Items from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, and Joseph Smith.  Saying it was "cool" doesn't quite do it justice, but it was impressive.  
I had the most lovely phone call with my eldest child on Monday morning.  I told him that I wished I could have known how wonderful the almost 20 year old Clark would be.  If I'd known I might have chilled the heck out and not gotten after him so much.  He's pretty great.
Cannon is enjoying getting into rehearsal for Newsies this summer.  He got the part of Les-- the younger brother of Davy (black sleeves).  I AM SO EXCITED to see this show when it opens the first weekend of August.  I already plan to be at every show.  Cannon's summer will consist of ballet workshops-- six weeks Monday-Thursday 9 am to 2 pm and then rehearsals most nights of the week.  Good thing he likes it:)
Elinor and Ben were off to a murder mystery party this evening-- her character was a prom queen (not really a stretch) and he was was a "bad boy" (pretty far from the truth).  Sadly, Bethany would not lend Elinor her Miss Riverton crown.  

They  looked adorable.
I suppose with three brothers just older than her, this is the kind of dress up we're most likely to see.

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