Friday, July 12, 2019

Cannon Goes to Webelos Camp Again

Cannon and his buddies went to Webelos camp last week.  He's not technically a Webelos anymore because he turned 11, but since all his friends are still 10, he wanted to go along with them.
He thoroughly enjoyed himself and fortunately the dates of the camp were perfect in that he didn't miss any dance.
Working outdoors is good for little boys' souls.
He liked the archery.
Abe went up with the gang on the first day.
I admit there are lots of things about the Boy Scout/Cub Scout program that I don't love.  I am not sad that our church is separating from the scouting program in the new year.  That being said, there are some aspects of the program that I do appreciate and getting boys outdoors and letting them be boys are among the top.
And speaking of boys in the great outdoors-- Abe and a several of his brothers hiked Squaw Peak on Saturday morning.
Phil, Chris, Stuart, Daniel, and Abe.
Good men who work hard and love their families and love God.
He is my favorite.

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