Sunday, July 14, 2019

Happy 3rd Birthday, Greta!

We are very much in the thick of the second birthday season of the year.  Within roughly a month, we celebrate Clark's, mine, Greta's, George's, and Peter's birthdays The first birthday season is in February and March, when within roughly a month, we celebrate Tessa's, Elinor's, Bethany's, and Faith's birthdays.
This little sweetie just turned three and my goodness, she is so much fun and pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to us.
To celebrate we planned a little hike with her best gal pal and her family.
The traditional hiking bad-selfie:)
Wonderfully for us, this family has three children that match up in age, gender, and temperament with our children.  The six of them play together so much and it makes our lives quite lovely.
Best Buddies.
Aly even brought Greta a little present.  The cuteness is almost painful at times!  
This was my first hike of the season.  Abe has taken the boys out, but I hadn't really been feeling it and had, for the most part, avoided the great outdoors until this past Friday evening.  Oh!  It felt so nice to be back out on a trail with the family.  Peter is stronger and has more stamina-- still loud, but markedly improved.  Greta is as light as ever, so packing her along wasn't a problem.  It was so good that I immediately declared we must go again the next morning!
We were so happy the Youngs were able to come with us to a local favorite hiking spot.  I adore this picture mostly because of Peter.  See him over on the right "sitting this one out"?  I don't know what he was upset about-- but I kind of think his silent protest is charming and it certainly beats the alternative-- screaming/crying/yelling.  Bless his intense little heart.  We love him so much.
We've had such a full summer with parades, swim practices/meets, camps, dance workshops and more.  I really must remember to make time to get out in nature and do some hiking.  I suppose the thing I enjoyed most on these two hikes is that when you are hiking, you get to just be present.  No point in worrying about cleaning something or planning something.  Nothing to organize.  No thinking through how to get everyone ready to be on time to something.  You just put one foot in front of the other.  You talk to who you are with.  You enjoy the views.  You help the littles.  It was really, really nice.  
Abe and Dave.  Dave is a man of many talents--including being one of the best conversationalists I have ever met.  He's a great one for good talks on hikes.
George is very adventurous on our hikes-- frequently scrambling up to more daring locations.  It is pretty rare these days that we are altogether for adventures.  So we end up going with whoever is available to go.  Bethany and Cannon are very busy with Newsies rehearsals.  Faith has been under-the-weather, and Elinor made it on to the first hike.  I do miss the days of everyone being younger and very much on "my" schedule.  But they are growing up fast and doing great things and it's exciting to watch them become their own people. 
She's not spoiled at all.
These were her birthday presents.  I know.  I know.  It's ridiculous.  But you know what?  She is my last child-- and my last girl child at that!  She follow three brothers and she is delightful in every imaginable way.  So yeah.
But in my defense-- I went to the store to buy her a present or two and I didn't love any of the new toys in the store.  So I went on KSL classifieds and found a couple people selling old sets of these "Sweet Streets" Fisher Price toys and they were so cute and in very good condition and very reasonably priced.  So I bought them all:)  If you are lucky enough (and smart enough) to find and buy used, you can get WAY more for your money.  Greta is thrilled and has already been playing with them for hours.  And there will be plenty for friends to come play with her.  
My favorite picture of the week-- Aly and Greta living their best summer life!
Happy birthday Greta Lu-Lu!  Summer looks good on you!

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