Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Morning of the Fourth 2019

Bethany and her attendants participated in a flag raising ceremony at 6:30 am on the morning of the 4th.  Shortly thereafter they were off to their parades-- yes, they were in three parades on the Fourth of July-- Murray at 8:30 am, West Jordan at 10:30 am,and Sandy City at 6:00 pm.
And just for the record, Bethany does not do tanning beds, spray tans, or tanning lotion.  She is a lifeguard and lives outside during the summer, plus she tans super easily.  That tan is all natural.
Elinor also had to be at the city at 6:00 am to help out with the Chuck Wagon breakfast the mayor and city council members served.  Elinor was a seriously hard working girl-- she stayed at the park until 4:00 that day-- serving the breakfast all morning and then helping run the children's games all afternoon.
She's really enjoyed getting to know some the of  kids on the council.
The rest of us headed to free swimming at the pool and Diving for Dollars.
Here is George face down looking for money.  There are no pictures of Peter participating in Diving for Dollars, because he chose not to take part.   He came to the pool expecting to swim and what did he find?  Greedy children scouring the pool for money.  And I quote, "Pools are for swimming, not for looking for money!"  Flexibility not being one of his strong suits.
George and Faith did respectably well-- both came away with roughly $3.00.
Cannon was the big winner with a whopping $5.00!  I guess that makes up for his disappointing "Cash Cow" encounter at the rodeo. ($0.00)
Faith and Cannon met up with dance friends at the pool.
Look at Greta holding on the edge by herself-- baby steps to my dream of reading a book poolside while all of my children safely swim by themselves.  Oh, it is going to happen!

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