Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Afternoon of the 4th 2019

After the pick up from the West Jordan parade, Bethany, Greta, and Abe hung out at the park for a bit.  Bethany took pictures with admiring little fans (including her biggest little fan).
Hey, even the Queen has to eat!
After a little rest at home, we all headed over to the park to get ready for the Haystack Dive.  But first, snow cones.  In good news, there were some afternoon showers, so everything had cooled down and the temperatures were really quite lovely.  I would like to know who-- Bethany or Greta-- changed their clothing more times on the 4th?  I don't expect anyone but me would notice or care, but there were a freaking lot of clothes changes.
Then FINALLY but very happily, we were reunited with Elinor after her long day of volunteering.  It was time for the much anticipated (however ridiculous) Haystack Dive.
Peter and Greta were with the 3-6 year olds, although technically Greta wasn't quite 3 yet.  And I must make a comment to the well meaning, but absurd parents who felt a need to go help their children pick candy and treats out of a 3 inch pile of hay (wood shavings) on a tarp.  Seriously--give your kid some credit.  They can handle it.  And if they don't get a ton of stuff-- THEY WON'T CARE!  Let them be.
Greta mostly liked prancing around the edges so as not to get messy with the hay.  Smart girl that she is.
Was there any question as to how George would fare?  He's a beast!
Faith and Cannon did well for themselves. 
Bethany met up with her good friend Victoria.
Family is the best! 
I love this picture of Elinor and Bethany celebrating with Greta one of the little treasures she found.  

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