Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Evening of the 4th 2019

Those lovely afternoon temperatures turned into downright chilly temps as we enjoyed a BBQ at the Schramms for dinner on the 4th.  Notice our SWEATSHIRTS on the 4th of July.  What. The. Heck.  Oh well, we adore the Schramm Fam and were so happy to get to "chill" with them for dinner.  It was relaxed and delicious.
Kate schooled Faith in tether ball.
The ladies.  Bethany joined us after the Sandy parade.
Not sure of the story here, but it's a great picture.
Greta's favorite part of the night was throwing little sticks towards the fire and then earnestly cheering for her accomplishment when a stick made it in! Lesson to be learned?  "Celebrate life's little victories!"  Her enthusiasm was contagious so we cheered along with her.
After the Schramms we hurried over to the park once again for the city's big fireworks show.  It is a good one and not to be missed.  Elinor's friend Ben and his family met up with us and it was great to chat with them a bit.
Now, take note of Peter's location.  He is just to the right of George's leg in a maroon sweatshirt with a white strip.  See him?  He was unhappy with Abe and I because we wanted to sit on the blankets instead of letting him use the biggest one to wrap up like a burrito.  We didn't pay enough attention to his distress.  So, little by little he moved further and further away from us while intensifying his pout.
He ended up a good ways away from us until we gently coaxed   physically coerced him back over by us.  I mean, it was dark and crowded.  It think it was the responsible thing to do.
The 4th of July was a party and then some.  We were all dog-tired and agreed that perhaps we had  had too much fun.  Next year we may not want to have quite as much fun.  For a comparison,  here are pictures of Bethany and Elinor as all the fun got going on the 3rd and then after fireworks when it was all done on the 4th.
Fresh.  Energetic.  Rested.  Hopeful.  Excited.
Exhausted. Worn-out.  Fulfilled.  Satisfied.  Ready-for-bed.
That is a 4th of July for the books!

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