Wednesday, August 5, 2020

24th of July

If  there is a holiday that involves fireworks-- we want to spend it with the Schramm Fam!  It's become somewhat a tradition to do fireworks together.  Nothing too big or scary, but we're easily impressed.  We like to ooh and ahh and laugh at the impressive names of the fireworks.
Cannon and Hayden did most of the lighting.
Faith's jacket!  She saw this reflective track suit at TJ Maxx and she HAD to have it.  The whole thing lights up when light shines on it.  And on a completely unrelated note, Faith's favorite song these days is "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton.  She loves it and listens to it on repeat.  What a fun girl she is!
We also got to test out their backyard zip line-- way fun!
Dinner and chatting and games in a park with friends on a summer evening is definitely my idea of good time.
I know I've mentioned it before, but I am constantly grateful for this family of siblings who line up with our three youngest.  They play so well together and it think it is blessing for both me and their mom.  They take turns at each other's houses and stay happily occupied for hours together.  
Elinor really enjoyed working at Fuller Swim School this summer.  And she has enjoyed making new friends hanging out with her fellow swim teachers.
Sibling fun.

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