Sunday, August 30, 2020

School Starts

Last Monday was the first day of seminary for these two-- Elinor is a senior and Faith is a freshman and they are happy to be in the same class.  It was also Elinor's first day in the Pharmacy Technician program.  
Once again, Faith was my assistant in getting the school planners all organized, printed up, and bound.  After what has felt like one outrageously long summer (basically March- August) everyone was quite excited to get their fresh planners and get down to work.  It feels better to be in routine and be productive.  Peter is technically kindergarten because he has a late birthday and we "held him back", but he's very much doing first grade work and he is loving it!

Cute little Greta has been doing her gymnastics practice at home.  She has a notebook and earns stickers when she practices each of her tricks.  She is already improving and it's fun to be back to practicing gymnastics again.  And Faith is an excellent reference now since she works there.
Our cat look ginormous here.  It's really not.  Also, did I tell you how we got our missing cat back?  Turns out our neighbor had it and was "taking care of it" because it wandered over to their house.  Uh... if a cat wanders to your house, let it wander back away again.  Oh, well.  Mushi is home and we are glad.  
And we find our cat in magnificent positions.  I call this one, 2020. 
It's her nickname, so we got her a t-shirt.  It was interesting to try to explain to Peter was the term "Beefcake" actually meant.
Elinor and Faith were twinning on their way to swim practice on Saturday.
We joined some friends for a fierce game of kickball Thursday night.  Why don't more people play kickball regularly?  It is so fun.

Also, Abe and I are still unreasonably sore from the evening's exertions.  So clearly, we must play kickball more often so we are in better shape so we won't be so sore.
Sadly, Greta did get clocked by the ball a couple times as she danced and wandered aimlessly around the field.  Got to toughen these kids up:)
A wonderful dinner date with some Fox siblings and spouses.   Jesse and Amy were in town from Spokane so it was especially nice to have them join the tradition of sibling dinners here in Utah.
Kind of a sweet picture Abe snapped before church last week.  We were watching children's animated messages on the church's Gospel Library App.
So much about Corona stinks.  One of the things that isn't so bad, is that there are very limited numbers of patrons allowed at the public pool.  I don't know if people just haven't known that it's open, but we've always been able to get in.  And then it's awesome, because there are so few people there!  So we've been swimming quite a bit.
Chilling with the lifeguards.
Yesterday we took Cannon and George to the open house of their brand new ballet studio-- Central Utah Ballet.  As soon as Cannon got out of the car these three girls ran over to him, "Cannon!  Are you going here too?!"  There were hugs and cheering when he said he was.  So yeah.  Boys in ballet are rockstars!
These three youngest kids invited their three best friends over for a hot dog cookout and and summer evening playtime.  I am so grateful for this neighbor family and how well they play with our kiddos.  

So simple and enjoyable.
Bethany were off playing and the three younger kids were occupied playing with their friends, and Abe and I got to just sit and play a card game with Cannon and Faith.  In a large family there are different combinations of family members that regularly get grouped together.  To just be with Faith and Cannon isn't one of the regulars.  And that was just lovely.  

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