Sunday, August 9, 2020

Still Soaking Up Summer

 George was so happy to get a new bike for his birthday.

We got a big container of perler beads and the kids have spent hours and hours working on their creations.  It's seriously awesome.  Why didn't I buy a bucket of Perler beads during quarantine?

Faith was overjoyed to get hired at her old gymnastics studio.  Last Monday was her first day on the job and she was so happy.  It's nice that they pay her, but truthfully, she'd probably volunteer for no pay.  She loves it.

Greta is in one of the classes that Faith is an assistant teacher for.  When Greta first started classes in June, Faith was concerned that Greta wouldn't very well behaved at gymnastics. 

I happy to rceport that Faith was completely accurate.  Ha ha ha!  She'll figure it out.  She is talkative and a free spirit and they do run a pretty tight ship.  Discipline isn't Greta's strong suit:)

Remember that one time when I was the Primary song leader at church and I thought it'd be fun to let the kids sing "Popcorn Popping" in a "Batman" voice.  Oh, it was fun... and in hindsight, not a very reverent idea.  It was, however, very memorable.  

We were thinking about how Greta's year of Sunbeams is completely shot.  Sadness.  So we decided for home church last week that we'd sing a lot primary songs.  Naturally the kids wanted to sing "Popcorn Popping" in a Batman voice.  At least they wanted to sing?

I mentioned how much we are enjoying our Cat, Mushi.  Like, we really, really like this cat.  And now it's missing.  We haven't seen it for a couple days.  We're about to become those people who hang missing cat signs around the neighborhood.  But seriously, we want this cat back:(

She is so fun and quite a creative little soul. 

 She draws pictures of family members and tapes them to their doors.  Abe's and mine was of us holding hands.  

Sadness when she got two bee stings.  She was offended but she didn't cry.

If Abe went into a bank looking like this six months ago, he wouldn't be well received.  As it is, nobody batted an eye.  He got his cash and went on his merry way.  Times certainly have changed.

A summer day at the pool was just what we needed.  I think we'll go again tomorrow:)

Backyard movie-- School of Rock.  This is a laugh out loud movie for me.  "You're a big fat loser and you have body odor!"  Classic.

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