Saturday, August 8, 2020

Welcome to the Fox Family Reunion Part 5

 Wednesday evening was the talent show!!! We had a little something special planned so this was the thing we were most looking forward to.

And here it is--


We had so much fun writing the words and getting it ready.  We were going to use a track, but then Cannon said he could do it and he sure did!

Were the shirts over-the-top?  Heck yes, they were.  And we loved every minute of it.  
Elinor and Peter's trick.  She stands up from this position while Peter is sitting there.
Bethany and Cannon were so funny in their "Face Throwing" skit.  It's a little comedy routine they've played with for a while and then they decided to perform it for the talent show.  I hadn't realized just how much they'd put together and how funny it was.  I wish I'd started videoing sooner, but I only caught the last 30 seconds.  

At one point Greta got her little feelings hurt and she wanted Alexa to hold her to comfort her.  I love this picture.  I'm so excited to get another beautiful daughter:)
When the talent show was all done, the dance party was just beginning.
A lot of the adults when exploring in the off-limits, "haunted" attic.  No ghosts.  What a disappointment.  But seriously-- why was their a human sized caged area?
George and cousins were ecstatic to catch some little frogs outside.
I love all the different grouping of cousins and aunts and uncles.
A bunch of cousins stayed up watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.  It may be the inspiration for Bethany and Elinor's Halloween costumes this year:)
Thursday was George's 10th birthday-- and since he'd be spending much of the day in the car riding home, we tried to make it special by hanging many signs all around the place wishing him a happy birthday.  #makegeorgegreatagain
George is such a delightful son.  He's easy-going, enthusiastic, sensitive, fun, talented, friendly, all-around great kid.  Our family is so much better with him in it.
No one sings happy birthday quite like the fox family-- and that is probably a good thing.  But here are the uncles and Marjorie serenading George with his birthday doughnut.

The original nine Jim and Kathleen Fox children.  They and their spouses and their children get along remarkably well.  And it's not because we all think and feel the same way.  We came together from several parts of the country-- Utah, Washington, Nevada, and Kansas.  There are differing political views.  Some have lots of money, some not so much.  Some have differing religious views.  Different levels of education.  Different life choices.  But for four three days we all came together and genuinely enjoyed one another's company.  We said only the kind things.  We laughed.  We shared.  We served each other.  We asked about each other to learn more.  Everyone was accepted and enjoyed for being exactly who and where they were at that moment.  For three days no one expected anyone to be anything other that who they were.  It was heaven on earth.  It is what I hope for my children when they grow up.

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