Sunday, August 9, 2020

Are You Sure We're Not Related?

 On our way home from the Fox Family Reunion we made a lunch stop in Pocatello to meet up with one of Clark's mission companions.  Elder Morrissey and Elder Fox were companions for several months in Longview, TX.  They got along well and worked hard together.  

Elder Morrissey's mom, Shawna, and I developed a friendship over social media and found that we had a lot in common-- starting with our missionary sons.  We have very musical children and we really enjoy the arts.  It was so fun to get our families together.

But here's the most interesting part-- we both have 8 children, similarly aged, but in exactly inverse order.  We go boy, girl, girl, girl, boy, boy, boy, girl.  

They go girl, boy, boy, boy, girl, girl, girl, boy.  So of course we had to line everybody up to get a picture!  

We shared lunch in a park for about an hour and a half.  And I admit it could have been a very awkward situation on both sides.  But it totally wasn't!  Our kids had so much fun and absolutely loved hanging with their kids.  We left thinking, "Are you sure we aren't related?"  and "Are you sure we haven't all known each other for years and grown up with each other?" and "Maybe we're long lost cousins"  

They all just stood around and talked and laughed.  And Shawna and I talked and laughed and enjoyed finding another kindred spirit in the world.  

The way I see it, we're not related...yet:)

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