Tops on my list of hoped for activities on this trip was a HIKE! Not too surprising this summer.
Our family went with Jesse and Amy's family on a great four mile hike to the "Old Cedars".
There were a lot of bees and bugs on the hike-- that's the not so good part. But it wasn't too hot or too hard of a hike and we were with great company-- that's the good part.
Maybe you can't tell from this picture, but I got bit by a mosquito and by the next day my inner, upper arm was affected. Weird. I don't know what kind of mosquito it was and I probably have all sorts of West Nile virus in my blood now. Oh well. Add it to the Mad Cow disease I may have (the Red Cross doesn't want my blood).
But I digress. Greta loved riding with Uncle Jesse.
Peter has been telling everyone who will listen that his full name is Peter Jesse Fox, so he's a pretty big fan of Uncle Jesse as well.
George caught this big, mean, feisty garter snake, which in turn bit George. The circle of life. It was totally worth it to George. He did let him go because, like I said, it was a big, mean one. "Catch and release"... "Catch and release". Say it with me, "Catch and release". It's something new we're trying in our family. We'll see how it goes.
Greta is so happy on hikes.
What am I saying? Greta is pretty much happy all the time.
And I know I give Peter a hard time, but actually, he has been really, really happy and quite flexible on this trip. It's been lovely.
Tweenies are so cute.
We loved hiking with the whole gang in the morning...
Our family went with Jesse and Amy's family on a great four mile hike to the "Old Cedars".
There were a lot of bees and bugs on the hike-- that's the not so good part. But it wasn't too hot or too hard of a hike and we were with great company-- that's the good part.
Maybe you can't tell from this picture, but I got bit by a mosquito and by the next day my inner, upper arm was affected. Weird. I don't know what kind of mosquito it was and I probably have all sorts of West Nile virus in my blood now. Oh well. Add it to the Mad Cow disease I may have (the Red Cross doesn't want my blood).
But I digress. Greta loved riding with Uncle Jesse.
Peter has been telling everyone who will listen that his full name is Peter Jesse Fox, so he's a pretty big fan of Uncle Jesse as well.
George caught this big, mean, feisty garter snake, which in turn bit George. The circle of life. It was totally worth it to George. He did let him go because, like I said, it was a big, mean one. "Catch and release"... "Catch and release". Say it with me, "Catch and release". It's something new we're trying in our family. We'll see how it goes.
Greta is so happy on hikes.
What am I saying? Greta is pretty much happy all the time.
And I know I give Peter a hard time, but actually, he has been really, really happy and quite flexible on this trip. It's been lovely.
Tweenies are so cute.
We loved hiking with the whole gang in the morning...

... and we enjoyed a tasty lunch out in Coeur d'Alene with just the four of us later in the day.